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Embarking on the journey of healing through Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing  (EMDR) can be a transformative experience. This evidence-based psychotherapy is designed to help someone process traumatic memories and lessen any emotional distress associated with  them. If you’re considering or have recently undergone an EMDR session, it’s natural to wonder  about the aftermath. In this blog post, we’ll explore what to expect after an EMDR session,  shedding light on both the immediate and long-term effects of this therapeutic approach. 

Short-Term Effects of EMDR 

First, you should know that your EMDR session will not officially conclude until you feel safe and steady enough to leave the office. EMDR sessions can bring a lot of emotion and thoughts to  the surface that weren’t previously there, so it can sometimes be jarring to an individual.  However, your therapist will ensure that you are in a grounded state before your sessions ends. 

Emotional Release 

After an EMDR session, it’s common to experience a range of emotions. Some individuals may  feel an immediate sense of relief, as if a weight has been lifted. Others might feel a bit drained  or emotionally raw. Embracing these feelings without judgment is crucial; they are a part of the  healing process. 

Increased Awareness 

EMDR can bring buried memories and emotions to the surface. It’s not uncommon to have  increased awareness of certain thoughts or feelings in the hours or days following a session.  This heightened consciousness is a positive sign that the therapy is working to bring about  positive change. 

Vivid Dreams 

Some people report experiencing more vivid dreams after an EMDR session. This can be a  natural response as the brain continues to process and integrate the information uncovered  during therapy. Pay attention to these dreams—they may offer additional insights into your  healing journey. 

The Days Following 

Fluctuating Emotions 

In the days following an EMDR session, it’s normal for emotions to fluctuate. You may find  yourself feeling both lighter and more introspective as your mind continues to process the 

targeted memories. You may struggle with feelings of sadness or anger as well. Be patient with  yourself and allow the emotions to come and go without judgment. 

Integration of Insights 

EMDR is not a one-time fix; it’s a process that unfolds over multiple sessions. After an individual session, you may find yourself integrating new insights and perspectives into your daily life. This could manifest as a shift in the way you perceive certain events or relationships. 

Self-Care is Key 

Engaging in self-care activities becomes particularly important after an EMDR session. Whether it’s taking a relaxing bath, practicing mindfulness, or spending time in nature, prioritize activities  that nurture your well-being. These practices can help support the ongoing healing process. 

Long-Term Effects: 

Stability and Resilience 

As you progress through multiple EMDR sessions, you may notice a growing sense of stability  and resilience. The therapy aims to help individuals reprocess traumatic memories, allowing for  healthier responses to similar triggers in the future. This increased resilience can be a powerful  outcome of long-term EMDR therapy. 

Improved Relationships: EMDR not only addresses individual trauma but can also positively  impact relationships. By resolving past issues and reducing emotional distress, individuals often  find that their interpersonal connections improve. This ripple effect can enhance overall well being and create a more positive environment. 

Continued Growth: The effects of EMDR extend beyond the therapy sessions themselves.  Many individuals report ongoing personal growth and a greater sense of empowerment as they  progress through treatment. This continual evolution is a testament to the transformative nature  of EMDR and the potential for lasting positive change. 

Embarking on the path of healing through EMDR is a courageous and transformative journey.  Understanding what to expect after a session—both immediately and in the long term—can  empower individuals to navigate the process with patience and self-compassion. As you  continue your EMDR therapy, embrace the evolving emotions and insights, and celebrate the  positive changes unfolding on your path to healing. 

Reach out to learn more about EMDR therapy and how it can help you on your journey.

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