1921 S. Alma School Road, Suite 312 (3rd Floor) Mesa, AZ 85210 | 480-332-8597 | Online Sessions Available

Have you been told that you react in intense or unhealthy ways? Do you find you get easily overwhelmed in stressful situations and have a hard time returning to a calm state? Have you experienced a history of childhood trauma or neglect? At Meaningful Connection Counseling we offer dialectical behavior therapy in Mesa for those that suffer from borderline personality disorder or simply struggle with regulating emotions and are interested in learning to manage their intense thoughts and emotions better.

What is Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

DBT or Dialectical Behavior Therapy is a specific form of Cognitive Behavior Therapy that was developed in the late 1980s by Marsha M. Linehan to better help clients with borderline personality disorder. It has since been used to treat many other kinds of mental health disorders as it teaches a set of universal skills to help manage intense emotions more effectively. 

DBT theory suggests that some individuals are more prone to react in an intense, and at times, out of the ordinary manner toward certain emotional situations, often those found in romantic, family or friend relationships. The arousal levels of an individual in such situations can increase far more quickly than the average person and can take a longer period of time to return to baseline arousal levels. This is often caused by a greater genetic sensitivity paired with a history of trauma.

Why Mesa Dialectical Behavior Therapy?

Individuals who experience symptoms of borderline personality disorder often experience extreme swings in their emotions, have a lot of black and white or all or nothing thinking, and are often jumping from one crisis to another. There is often a lot of invalidation in childhood from family and others and therefore methods for coping with these intense surges of emotions were not developed. DBT is a way to teach skills that will help in the task of coping with such emotions.

About DBT Near You

Meaningful Connection Counseling can provide skills training to individuals needing additional coping skills for Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, and Interpersonal Effectiveness. However, those that are determined by the therapist to require the full DBT protocol (weekly individual sessions, weekly group sessions, and outside access to DBT skills coaching calls) will be referred to a provider that offers a comprehensive program.

Start Dialectical Behavior Therapy in Mesa, AZ Today

Do you often experience extreme swings in your emotions? Do you feel like you jump from crisis to crisis? Interested in improving your coping mechanisms and day-to-day life? Contact Meaningful Connection Counseling today, we would be happy to provide you with dialectical behavior therapy in Mesa.

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